Saturday, July 25, 2009


So, all of the following story will explain how stupid it could be

July 24, 2009
I went to Indonesian embassy to fulfill my duty as a good Indonesian. The gate & front door was locked, and I saw nobody was there. I thought it would be the same case when I came on last week; they take an earlier recess time. Instead on 1 o'clock PM, they had already closed at 12.50 PM.

So, when I pushed the ringger button, nothing was happened. The second time, I pushed continously. Suddenly, a representative from inside came out, and he shouted to me & my friends: "Why did you guys push it like an angry man!?!? Are you guys mad!?"

He was so angry with us, but what could we do?
We could not speak up our mind because it's Indonesian teritory, and I knew very well about Indonesian code of attitude; don't you mess up with the officers if you want to get an easiness.

I took a couple of minutes to think:
-why do they always lock up the door if it is still their service hours? STUPID!!!
the answer is: because they are just lazy......
What a shame!! You guys took an earlier recess time when I arrived there last week!!
They made me go back and forth twice from Cupertino to SF, and it took 1 hour drive for each.

July 25, 2009
I brought a leather belt in Macy's store in San Jose Valley Fair. A man offered me a macy's card, but he said I have to get EITHER a passport, or a SSN. I took a bus to my apartment to get my SSN because I have not memorized my SSN yet, and since it's more easier than took a passport with me. It took me 1 hour to get back into the Macy's. I recalled my on hold item, and tried to apply a Macy's card with my SSN, but it doesn't work because IN FACT they need a passport. So, was it my mistake to believe that man's words?
Moreover, he remembered me for I come from Jakarta which the city got bombed twice.

STUPID you old man


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragons have thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years, although amazingly, their existence was unknown to humans until about 100 years ago.Reaching 10 feet (3 meters) in length and more than 300 pounds (136 kilograms),

Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on Earth. They have long, flat heads with rounded snouts, scaly skin, bowed legs, and huge, muscular tails.As the dominant predators on the handful of islands they inhabit, they will eat almost anything, including carrion, deer, pigs, smaller dragons, and even large water buffalo and humans.

When hunting, Komodo dragons rely on camouflage and patience, lying in wait for passing prey. When a victim ambles by, the dragon springs, using its powerful legs, sharp claws and serrated, shark-like teeth to eviscerate its prey.Animals that escape the jaws of a Komodo will only feel lucky briefly. Dragon saliva teems with over 50 strains of bacteria, and within 24 hours, the stricken creature usually dies of blood poisoning. Dragons calmly follow an escapee for miles as the bacteria takes effect, using their keen sense of smell to hone in on the corpse. A dragon can eat a whopping 80 percent of its body weight in a single feeding.

Indonesia is the only place where this animal could be found. There is a stable population of about 3,000 to 5,000 Komodo dragons on the islands of Komodo, Gila Motang, Rinca, and Flores. However, a dearth of egg-laying females, poaching, human encroachment, and natural disasters has driven the species to endangered status.
Source: National Geographic


A Komodo Dragon

close up

Komodo Island

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1.11 AM

Jam menunjukkan pukul 1.11 AM.
Mata gw dah berat.
Badan dah lemes. Udah lama ga post di blog gw.
Cape nih gw...minta dipijitin dong. Tapi ga mao sama cowo. Maonya sama cewe.
Apaan sih??? Udah lumayan dodol nih malem malem. cape bngt sekarang, tapi masih maksa ngepost supaya kesannya nih blog dirawat.
Beberapa hari ini gw pindahan & bantuin si Ferik pindahan. Ferik adalah teman gw di U.S.
kita dah seminggu tinggal bareng, tidur sekamar, maen sekamar (maen game online yg bernama dota). tolonggggg gw diracunin sama Ferik. Percayalah kawan, I'm not a gamer.
Jadi, gw udah 3 hari kerjaannya ngangkut tv, box buku, koper yg mayan berat, rak, lemari, pokoknya jadi semi-kuli. Nah, yg paling parah tuh hari ini. Gw ngangkut mesin cuci dari lantai dasar ke lantai 3, berdua sama si Ferik, lewat tangga!!! Sungguh apartement yg jelek, ga ada lift, representative leasing office yg jutek bngt (her name is sabrina), garden gak kerawat, bau bawang (ngerti lha yah artinya apa). Pokoknya gw ga bakal mao rent itu apartment. Buat yg tinggal di daerah silicon valley dan sekitarnya, jangan pernah rent apartment yg namanya cascade! jelek bngt sumpah!
Oh well, Ferik baru ajah balik Indo, dan gw masih 1 bulan lagi baru bisa balik.

Anyway, 4 kelas buat summer is a bad idea, but I have to. jadwal gw hari rabu dari jem 8.30AM-8.30PM. SERIUS!
recess 4x10 minutes. Jadi..harap maklum kalau blog ini agak telat update dalam beberapa bulan ini. Oh mama, Oh papa. Anakmu sedang dalam medan pertempuran yang kejam. Kurang makan, kurang hiburan, kurang belaian kasih sayang....duh duh..
makin ngaco.
sekarang si steve lagi nginep menemani gw. dah ah.....daripada di cap orang ngaco, mending gw kapan2 lagi deh baru cerita lagi.

-It's a matter of choice-