It's been a month since my last post. Actually I had nothing which was significant for a month besides hopa, and this annoying sore throat.
I had my sore throat straight after I ate panda express (Beijing beef, orange chicken, mushroom chicken, and fried rice) hmmmm...sounds a lot for a meal.
Although I have a not so normal college life pattern, I can assure you that I can survive. I have to skip my breakfast which I don't have everyday because of my habit, and I have to skip my lunch every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So, I don't have anything besides mineral water on my stomach until 4P.M. on the day that I mention above. That's why I have to take 1 big meal at 4 P.M. 1 big meal at one time reminds me of sumo eating pattern. FYI, sumo take his meal only once for a day, but he has a very huge meal at that one time.
However, I'm taking nutrition class for this quarter, and my instructor (she is a registered dietitian in the bay area) said that I must had not skip my meal in order to retain my muscle mass. In fact, I'm struggling to shape my arms. The bottom line: Skipping meal is a serious business for me.
It's such a pain in the ass for me to take nutrition class for general education req. in long life development area because I can take human sexuality class which has the same area with nutrition. However, I learn that my sister's recommendation is not always the best one to take.
By the way, you should watch the office Halloween episode because it's f*ing hilarious.
Well, I should study again for my mid term tomorrow.
Sampai jumpa~~
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What would you do if you know you'll die soon
Well, I came with this thought after I flashed back my mind into 1 scene from the Simpsons movie.
Springfield has a bar, and a church which is located side to side with each other. Guess what after the citizen of springfiled knew they all going to die?? People who used to pray at church run to the bar, and vice versa.
Its all because Spriengfield citizen know that they all going to die soon, therefore they want to go into a new zone that they don't have before.
What if they have a balance, or they actually hit the bar three times a week, and go to the church to hear a sermon every Sunday?
Indeed, this shocking transition case will not happen in the first place.
Once, I heard about a concept about "comfort zone" which could be very dangerous for one's potential development because once somebody feel comfortable in a comfort zone, and when he feel hard to leave that zone, then he is trapped. It is because the zone is not getting any "bigger" while he stay at the same place which eventually will lead into a boring routine. (if you feel hard to understand please change the "comfort zone" word with "life")
As the conclusion, I simply want to encourage you to explore a new thing that you might want to do it, but you haven't done it YET. Please, leave your comfort zone.
-white/black, sun/moon, fire/water, hot/cold, it's about balance-
Springfield has a bar, and a church which is located side to side with each other. Guess what after the citizen of springfiled knew they all going to die?? People who used to pray at church run to the bar, and vice versa.
Its all because Spriengfield citizen know that they all going to die soon, therefore they want to go into a new zone that they don't have before.
What if they have a balance, or they actually hit the bar three times a week, and go to the church to hear a sermon every Sunday?
Indeed, this shocking transition case will not happen in the first place.
Once, I heard about a concept about "comfort zone" which could be very dangerous for one's potential development because once somebody feel comfortable in a comfort zone, and when he feel hard to leave that zone, then he is trapped. It is because the zone is not getting any "bigger" while he stay at the same place which eventually will lead into a boring routine. (if you feel hard to understand please change the "comfort zone" word with "life")
As the conclusion, I simply want to encourage you to explore a new thing that you might want to do it, but you haven't done it YET. Please, leave your comfort zone.
-white/black, sun/moon, fire/water, hot/cold, it's about balance-
Saturday, July 25, 2009
So, all of the following story will explain how stupid it could be
July 24, 2009
I went to Indonesian embassy to fulfill my duty as a good Indonesian. The gate & front door was locked, and I saw nobody was there. I thought it would be the same case when I came on last week; they take an earlier recess time. Instead on 1 o'clock PM, they had already closed at 12.50 PM.
So, when I pushed the ringger button, nothing was happened. The second time, I pushed continously. Suddenly, a representative from inside came out, and he shouted to me & my friends: "Why did you guys push it like an angry man!?!? Are you guys mad!?"
He was so angry with us, but what could we do?
We could not speak up our mind because it's Indonesian teritory, and I knew very well about Indonesian code of attitude; don't you mess up with the officers if you want to get an easiness.
I took a couple of minutes to think:
-why do they always lock up the door if it is still their service hours? STUPID!!!
the answer is: because they are just lazy......
What a shame!! You guys took an earlier recess time when I arrived there last week!!
They made me go back and forth twice from Cupertino to SF, and it took 1 hour drive for each.
July 25, 2009
I brought a leather belt in Macy's store in San Jose Valley Fair. A man offered me a macy's card, but he said I have to get EITHER a passport, or a SSN. I took a bus to my apartment to get my SSN because I have not memorized my SSN yet, and since it's more easier than took a passport with me. It took me 1 hour to get back into the Macy's. I recalled my on hold item, and tried to apply a Macy's card with my SSN, but it doesn't work because IN FACT they need a passport. So, was it my mistake to believe that man's words?
Moreover, he remembered me for I come from Jakarta which the city got bombed twice.
STUPID you old man
July 24, 2009
I went to Indonesian embassy to fulfill my duty as a good Indonesian. The gate & front door was locked, and I saw nobody was there. I thought it would be the same case when I came on last week; they take an earlier recess time. Instead on 1 o'clock PM, they had already closed at 12.50 PM.
So, when I pushed the ringger button, nothing was happened. The second time, I pushed continously. Suddenly, a representative from inside came out, and he shouted to me & my friends: "Why did you guys push it like an angry man!?!? Are you guys mad!?"
He was so angry with us, but what could we do?
We could not speak up our mind because it's Indonesian teritory, and I knew very well about Indonesian code of attitude; don't you mess up with the officers if you want to get an easiness.
I took a couple of minutes to think:
-why do they always lock up the door if it is still their service hours? STUPID!!!
the answer is: because they are just lazy......
What a shame!! You guys took an earlier recess time when I arrived there last week!!
They made me go back and forth twice from Cupertino to SF, and it took 1 hour drive for each.
July 25, 2009
I brought a leather belt in Macy's store in San Jose Valley Fair. A man offered me a macy's card, but he said I have to get EITHER a passport, or a SSN. I took a bus to my apartment to get my SSN because I have not memorized my SSN yet, and since it's more easier than took a passport with me. It took me 1 hour to get back into the Macy's. I recalled my on hold item, and tried to apply a Macy's card with my SSN, but it doesn't work because IN FACT they need a passport. So, was it my mistake to believe that man's words?
Moreover, he remembered me for I come from Jakarta which the city got bombed twice.
STUPID you old man
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Komodo Dragon
Komodo dragons have thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years, although amazingly, their existence was unknown to humans until about 100 years ago.Reaching 10 feet (3 meters) in length and more than 300 pounds (136 kilograms),
Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on Earth. They have long, flat heads with rounded snouts, scaly skin, bowed legs, and huge, muscular tails.As the dominant predators on the handful of islands they inhabit, they will eat almost anything, including carrion, deer, pigs, smaller dragons, and even large water buffalo and humans.
When hunting, Komodo dragons rely on camouflage and patience, lying in wait for passing prey. When a victim ambles by, the dragon springs, using its powerful legs, sharp claws and serrated, shark-like teeth to eviscerate its prey.Animals that escape the jaws of a Komodo will only feel lucky briefly. Dragon saliva teems with over 50 strains of bacteria, and within 24 hours, the stricken creature usually dies of blood poisoning. Dragons calmly follow an escapee for miles as the bacteria takes effect, using their keen sense of smell to hone in on the corpse. A dragon can eat a whopping 80 percent of its body weight in a single feeding.
Indonesia is the only place where this animal could be found. There is a stable population of about 3,000 to 5,000 Komodo dragons on the islands of Komodo, Gila Motang, Rinca, and Flores. However, a dearth of egg-laying females, poaching, human encroachment, and natural disasters has driven the species to endangered status.
Komodo Island

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
1.11 AM
Jam menunjukkan pukul 1.11 AM.
Mata gw dah berat.
Badan dah lemes. Udah lama ga post di blog gw.
Cape nih gw...minta dipijitin dong. Tapi ga mao sama cowo. Maonya sama cewe.
Apaan sih??? Udah lumayan dodol nih malem malem. cape bngt sekarang, tapi masih maksa ngepost supaya kesannya nih blog dirawat.
Beberapa hari ini gw pindahan & bantuin si Ferik pindahan. Ferik adalah teman gw di U.S.
kita dah seminggu tinggal bareng, tidur sekamar, maen sekamar (maen game online yg bernama dota). tolonggggg gw diracunin sama Ferik. Percayalah kawan, I'm not a gamer.
Jadi, gw udah 3 hari kerjaannya ngangkut tv, box buku, koper yg mayan berat, rak, lemari, pokoknya jadi semi-kuli. Nah, yg paling parah tuh hari ini. Gw ngangkut mesin cuci dari lantai dasar ke lantai 3, berdua sama si Ferik, lewat tangga!!! Sungguh apartement yg jelek, ga ada lift, representative leasing office yg jutek bngt (her name is sabrina), garden gak kerawat, bau bawang (ngerti lha yah artinya apa). Pokoknya gw ga bakal mao rent itu apartment. Buat yg tinggal di daerah silicon valley dan sekitarnya, jangan pernah rent apartment yg namanya cascade! jelek bngt sumpah!
Oh well, Ferik baru ajah balik Indo, dan gw masih 1 bulan lagi baru bisa balik.
Anyway, 4 kelas buat summer is a bad idea, but I have to. jadwal gw hari rabu dari jem 8.30AM-8.30PM. SERIUS!
recess 4x10 minutes. Jadi..harap maklum kalau blog ini agak telat update dalam beberapa bulan ini. Oh mama, Oh papa. Anakmu sedang dalam medan pertempuran yang kejam. Kurang makan, kurang hiburan, kurang belaian kasih sayang....duh duh..
makin ngaco.
sekarang si steve lagi nginep menemani gw. dah ah.....daripada di cap orang ngaco, mending gw kapan2 lagi deh baru cerita lagi.
-It's a matter of choice-
Mata gw dah berat.
Badan dah lemes. Udah lama ga post di blog gw.
Cape nih gw...minta dipijitin dong. Tapi ga mao sama cowo. Maonya sama cewe.
Apaan sih??? Udah lumayan dodol nih malem malem. cape bngt sekarang, tapi masih maksa ngepost supaya kesannya nih blog dirawat.
Beberapa hari ini gw pindahan & bantuin si Ferik pindahan. Ferik adalah teman gw di U.S.
kita dah seminggu tinggal bareng, tidur sekamar, maen sekamar (maen game online yg bernama dota). tolonggggg gw diracunin sama Ferik. Percayalah kawan, I'm not a gamer.
Jadi, gw udah 3 hari kerjaannya ngangkut tv, box buku, koper yg mayan berat, rak, lemari, pokoknya jadi semi-kuli. Nah, yg paling parah tuh hari ini. Gw ngangkut mesin cuci dari lantai dasar ke lantai 3, berdua sama si Ferik, lewat tangga!!! Sungguh apartement yg jelek, ga ada lift, representative leasing office yg jutek bngt (her name is sabrina), garden gak kerawat, bau bawang (ngerti lha yah artinya apa). Pokoknya gw ga bakal mao rent itu apartment. Buat yg tinggal di daerah silicon valley dan sekitarnya, jangan pernah rent apartment yg namanya cascade! jelek bngt sumpah!
Oh well, Ferik baru ajah balik Indo, dan gw masih 1 bulan lagi baru bisa balik.
Anyway, 4 kelas buat summer is a bad idea, but I have to. jadwal gw hari rabu dari jem 8.30AM-8.30PM. SERIUS!
recess 4x10 minutes. Jadi..harap maklum kalau blog ini agak telat update dalam beberapa bulan ini. Oh mama, Oh papa. Anakmu sedang dalam medan pertempuran yang kejam. Kurang makan, kurang hiburan, kurang belaian kasih sayang....duh duh..
makin ngaco.
sekarang si steve lagi nginep menemani gw. dah ah.....daripada di cap orang ngaco, mending gw kapan2 lagi deh baru cerita lagi.
-It's a matter of choice-
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tribute to Michael Jackson
I posted his song "Heal The World".
I do agree and believe that this world has to be healed.
My last final exam was history, and it's kind of sad if I hear this song because I've just learned about WWI, WWII, Civil rights movement, segregations, Vietnam war, Korean War, Cuban Crisis, Genocide, Pentagon, and all nasty stuff.
What a perfect timing!
-Make a little space, make a better place. Heal the world, make it a better place for the entire human race. There are people dying if you care enough for the living. Make a better place for you and for me- (Michael Jackson, 1958-2009)
I do agree and believe that this world has to be healed.
My last final exam was history, and it's kind of sad if I hear this song because I've just learned about WWI, WWII, Civil rights movement, segregations, Vietnam war, Korean War, Cuban Crisis, Genocide, Pentagon, and all nasty stuff.
What a perfect timing!
-Make a little space, make a better place. Heal the world, make it a better place for the entire human race. There are people dying if you care enough for the living. Make a better place for you and for me- (Michael Jackson, 1958-2009)
Done with my finals, Cave, The Hangover
I've done with my finals. It's a struggle to reach this point.
It's just about 1 month ago when I went to Moaning Cavern in California.
It were an adventure for us (Me, Kevin, Steve, Andrew)
Sadly, I can't take a pitcure of me when I was doing rappel in the cave because it's too dangerous to take a pitcure in the cave. It was great for sure! However, I have some pitcure on my facebook when we explored the cave.
The Hangover. It was really awsome guys. Tells us about what could be happen in Vegas if you have a bachelor party. Definitely better than American Pie, but maybe equivalent with Harol & Kumar: Escape from G-bay. However, I wonder if you guys in eastern country have a chance to watch that in a theatre because It has a lot of nudity, slap stick jokes, and an insult (not sure). If that so, you can watch that on a dvd. Just wait for around 3 months.
I have 42 days to go before my flight to Indo, but don't know why I'm not as excited as before because I've just realized that It would be different from what I expected.
-May force be with you-
I've done with my finals. It's a struggle to reach this point.
It's just about 1 month ago when I went to Moaning Cavern in California.
It were an adventure for us (Me, Kevin, Steve, Andrew)
Sadly, I can't take a pitcure of me when I was doing rappel in the cave because it's too dangerous to take a pitcure in the cave. It was great for sure! However, I have some pitcure on my facebook when we explored the cave.
The Hangover. It was really awsome guys. Tells us about what could be happen in Vegas if you have a bachelor party. Definitely better than American Pie, but maybe equivalent with Harol & Kumar: Escape from G-bay. However, I wonder if you guys in eastern country have a chance to watch that in a theatre because It has a lot of nudity, slap stick jokes, and an insult (not sure). If that so, you can watch that on a dvd. Just wait for around 3 months.
I have 42 days to go before my flight to Indo, but don't know why I'm not as excited as before because I've just realized that It would be different from what I expected.
-May force be with you-
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Final exam is approaching!!!
I have less than 2 weeks to end this quarter. In fact, I eager to say goodbye to 32,5 units which I'm taking now. Believe me, It's a struggle my friend. 32,5 units is not an easy job to do. I have to wake up at 7 A.M. for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, finish my busy day at 8.00 P.M. in De Anza from monday to thursday. (Extra time at home for HW, Exam prep, and assignment not included) That's why I keep excited for friday. Yet, I found it's kind of challenging.
Thanks God I don't have to study for Business law final exam because I was allowed to do so. I successfully sealed 1 subject for this quarter. What a surprise!
50 days before My flight to Indo~~
Now, Let me introduce you to my lovely pet.
here you go:

I saved her form "abang abang" glodok who didn't take a good care of her. I brought Tarou in exchange for Rp 35,000
Oh, I called her "Tarou" (Japanese name?)
The bad news is: She had passed away before I posted her lovely pitcure on my blog.
The ugly truth: She lived with me only for 3 days.....don't ask me why!!!
I believe I took a good care of her. I provided her with blanket, water, and "kangkung".
My "embak" said maybe she was already in a bad condition from glodok.
I still feel guilty for her.
Anyway, rest in peace Tarou.
I do believe you still with us because I put you in front of my house under the "pinkish" flower tree.
You will be always in my heart <3
with love,
Your master
I have less than 2 weeks to end this quarter. In fact, I eager to say goodbye to 32,5 units which I'm taking now. Believe me, It's a struggle my friend. 32,5 units is not an easy job to do. I have to wake up at 7 A.M. for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, finish my busy day at 8.00 P.M. in De Anza from monday to thursday. (Extra time at home for HW, Exam prep, and assignment not included) That's why I keep excited for friday. Yet, I found it's kind of challenging.
Thanks God I don't have to study for Business law final exam because I was allowed to do so. I successfully sealed 1 subject for this quarter. What a surprise!
50 days before My flight to Indo~~
Now, Let me introduce you to my lovely pet.
here you go:
I saved her form "abang abang" glodok who didn't take a good care of her. I brought Tarou in exchange for Rp 35,000
Oh, I called her "Tarou" (Japanese name?)
The bad news is: She had passed away before I posted her lovely pitcure on my blog.
The ugly truth: She lived with me only for 3 days.....don't ask me why!!!
I believe I took a good care of her. I provided her with blanket, water, and "kangkung".
My "embak" said maybe she was already in a bad condition from glodok.
I still feel guilty for her.
Anyway, rest in peace Tarou.
I do believe you still with us because I put you in front of my house under the "pinkish" flower tree.
You will be always in my heart <3
with love,
Your master
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
GDP is one of several fundamental concepts in macro economics that we have to understand.
I hope I can help you guys how to understand and calculate GDP in a short time.
Here you go:
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) indicates the value of all the goods and services produced within a country, regardless of one's nationality.
It's important to know the GDP of a country because this number indicates how well the economy in a country has grown.
So far, I know two types of GDP that we can measure.
1. Nominal GDP.
this kind of GDP is really easy to calculate. We just have to know the quantity of goods that produced within a given year multiply by how much the value of the goods.
eg: in 1993 Indonesia produced 10 cars @ $5000 and 10 bike @200
given from the data above, we can calculate the nominal GDP in 2008
10*$5,000 + 10*$200 = $52,000
2. Real GDP.
is a measure of econ output ajusted for general price level changed.
Real GDP reflects quantities of goods that produce in various years, prices that had existed in some given year.
I'd like to attach from what I got in my accounting class in order to make you guys have a crystal clear concept of real GDP.
First, we have to know the concept of future value, past value, and present value of money.
let's get straight to it.
$1 that we have now could be more or less in the future/past.
because there are such things such as deflation/inflation that can change the real value of money.
Measuring real GDP is just like calculate the present value of money that "should" be existed in the given year (base year)
Indeed, we have to pick a year as a parameter, and it's really up to you which year you'd like to choose. But of course you have to make a good consideration about it.
there are 3 elements that we have to know before we can really calculate real GDP
-base year*
-price index
-nominal GDP
*the price index of base year is always 1. It has to be 1 because this is the parameter (as I have already mentioned above)
there are different types of price index:
1. Consumer price index
measures changes in a typical market basket of goods purchased by urban wage earners.
2.Producer price index
measures price changes of industrial comodities.
3.GDP Price deflator (implicit price deflator)
measures the prices of all goods and services in GDP.
Finally, Let's do some number:
Year----------Price index-------------Nominal GDP
Real GDP in 2005 = nominal GDP 2005/Price index 2005
= 41,300/1.390
= 29,712.2302 <---- this number shows us the real GDP based on year 2004, and it's really bad. :(
-All you need is cash-
I hope I can help you guys how to understand and calculate GDP in a short time.
Here you go:
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) indicates the value of all the goods and services produced within a country, regardless of one's nationality.
It's important to know the GDP of a country because this number indicates how well the economy in a country has grown.
So far, I know two types of GDP that we can measure.
1. Nominal GDP.
this kind of GDP is really easy to calculate. We just have to know the quantity of goods that produced within a given year multiply by how much the value of the goods.
eg: in 1993 Indonesia produced 10 cars @ $5000 and 10 bike @200
given from the data above, we can calculate the nominal GDP in 2008
10*$5,000 + 10*$200 = $52,000
2. Real GDP.
is a measure of econ output ajusted for general price level changed.
Real GDP reflects quantities of goods that produce in various years, prices that had existed in some given year.
I'd like to attach from what I got in my accounting class in order to make you guys have a crystal clear concept of real GDP.
First, we have to know the concept of future value, past value, and present value of money.
let's get straight to it.
$1 that we have now could be more or less in the future/past.
because there are such things such as deflation/inflation that can change the real value of money.
Measuring real GDP is just like calculate the present value of money that "should" be existed in the given year (base year)
Indeed, we have to pick a year as a parameter, and it's really up to you which year you'd like to choose. But of course you have to make a good consideration about it.
there are 3 elements that we have to know before we can really calculate real GDP
-base year*
-price index
-nominal GDP
*the price index of base year is always 1. It has to be 1 because this is the parameter (as I have already mentioned above)
there are different types of price index:
1. Consumer price index
measures changes in a typical market basket of goods purchased by urban wage earners.
2.Producer price index
measures price changes of industrial comodities.
3.GDP Price deflator (implicit price deflator)
measures the prices of all goods and services in GDP.
Finally, Let's do some number:
Year----------Price index-------------Nominal GDP
Real GDP in 2005 = nominal GDP 2005/Price index 2005
= 41,300/1.390
= 29,712.2302 <---- this number shows us the real GDP based on year 2004, and it's really bad. :(
-All you need is cash-
Friday, May 15, 2009
Lomba Mewarnai
Banyak banget kejadian minggu ini yang bikin kepala gw penuh buat nulis beberapa artikel lagi di blog ini..Jadi, selama beberapa minggu ke depan jangan malu2 buat visit page ini.
Kali ini, gw mao post tulisan ini buat si Felicia Regina soalnya gw udah janji buat cerita tentang lomba mewarnai. . Felicia adalah apprentice gw di Debat Indo yang helpful banget dah mao bantuin gw selama 1 tahun mengasuh beberapa anak yg lain. Jadi, selain Felicia gw juga masih ada beberapa anak2 yg lainnya. Sekarang dia orang ada di tarakanita 2 pluit. Oh iyah, dulu gw adalah anak debat Indo. Jadi debatnya pake bahasa Indonesia.
Gini loh ceritanya.
Kelas 5 SD gw pernah ikut lomba mewarnai selama 2 kali. Jaman SD itu gw adalah anak yang demen makan snack. Nah, kebetulan ada lomba mewarnai yang sponsornya adalah snack biscuit tongkat yang bias dicocol sama cokelat/stroberi. Kalo dimakan “nyam nyam” banget….Nah, jadi gw minta bokap gw buat daftarin gw ke tuh lomba. Alhasil, gw ikut deh lomba mewarnai yang waktu itu diselenggarakan di atrium Mega Mal (alm.)
Itu adalah pengalaman pertama gw ikut lomba mewarnai. Nah, emang keliatan kan gw ga punya bakat buat menggambar/mewarnai. Gw mah cukup jadi penikmat barang2 seni ajah. Hasilnya yah bias ditebak, gw kalah. Tapi emang namanya anak kecil yah masih ajah ngarep menag. Soalnya kalo menang hadiahnya stock snack yang kalo dimakan pasti “nyam nyam” dan bias bertahan buat 1 minggu. Besoknya, giliran sekolah adek gw yang ikut (ade gw sama gw itu SD-nya beda dulu gw SD di Kristen Yusuf Jembatan 2.) Gw masih penasaran juga kenapa gw ga bisa dapetin tuh senek. Akhirnya gw minta ke bokap gw lagi buat daftarin gw untuk yg ke 2 kalinya scr berturut turut (buang buang duit yah..hasilnya dah bisa ketebak.) Mungkin bokap gw mikir ada bagusnya juga kalo gw nemenin adek gw selama ade gw lomba.
Nah, bukan lomba 2 kali itu yang jadi masalah. Jadi, tiap lomba, ada semacam parade dari si mascot senek yang bentuknya kucing garong. 1 hari tuh bisa 3 kali dengan lagu, gerakan, dan dialog yang sama. Maksudnya sih buat entertain anak2 yang bosen nunggu hasil lomba. Tapi kenapa lagu, gerakan, dan dialognya itu sama semua??? Salah loe orang (panitia penyelenggara) telah menanam memory yg aneh dalam otak anak anak SD seperti gw yang emang kebosenan nunggu hasil lomba. Dan lebih parahnya lagi, gw liet tuh parade 6 kali berturut turut selama 2 hari. Soalnya nowhere to go selain nunggu hasil lomba yang udah jelas hasilnya buat gw.
Kira2 begini cerita bodoh yg masih gw inget: Suatu hari yang cerah, si kucing garong pergi ke rumah cewenya dengan membawa senek yang bunyinya enak. Di tengah jalan, seneknya dirampok sama kucing garong yg laen (laper kali tuh kucing.) Sampe di rumah cewenya tuh kucing garong yg kecolongan lapor ke cewenya dan minta bantuan temen2 dia buat nyari siapa pelakunya. 5 Menit kemudian pelakunya ketangkep. Dan kata si maling dia menyesal udah nyolong. (gw ngarep penghakiman missal kek yg ada di tv tv biar ada entertainment beneran) Yah, hasilnya happily ever after. Si maling diampuni dan sebagai ucapan terima kasih, semua actor/actress di panggung termasuk si maling dikasih senek enak satu orang satu. Sambil joget joget kek pelem India dengan theme song yg aneh. Udah deh tamat. Kebayang ga sih ada kenangan advertisement yg menurut gw ga ada nilai edukasi sama sekali di otak gw. (kalo ada orang dari producer snack dari Australia yg baca & nyadar, anggep ajah ini sebagai kritik dari gw)
Intinya, kalo mao bikin advertisement tuh yg ada nilai education buat society kan bagus.
Gw prihatin dgn keadaan advertisement sekarang soalnya.
Flash back 4 tahun lalu, di Indo jaman pemilu 4 tahun lalu banyak kan iklan partai politik? Sepupu gw yg masih TK ajah yang diinget “moncong putih” (which is lame)
Dan emang yg diinget cuman moncong putih!!!
Gw langsung ajah tarik kesimpulan soalnya udah malem dan salah satu temen gw udah suruh gw tidur dari 10 menit yg lalu .
Kadang tujuan advertisement yang kayak gini Cuma buat membodohi masyarakat yang emang masih polos & ga tau apa2 buat jadi object pembodohan kek anak yg pendidikannya equivalent dengan TK. Apa iya, Masyarakat Indo itu dianggap sebagai anak TK yang gampang banget dibodohi sama iklan yang ga berkualitas yang tujuannya cumin buat cuci otak yang liet?
Harusnya bukan UU Pornografi yang diurusin (gw abis nonton channel “kelinci” tadi sore sama temen2 gw ^^) tapi beneran, gw ga melihat ada hal yg signifikan buat ngurusin UU pornografi yg sekarang udah terlanjur jadi. Coba tuh urusin “para pembela rakyat” yang bisanya bikin jalanan macet. Kan masih banyak kerjaan.
Duh, gw ga nolak koq kalo pak Presiden baca trz mao angkat gw jadi MEMPERKOSA (menteri pemberdayaan kota dan desa. Bisa liet kembang desa soalnya ^^.)
*Btw, bagus nih buat jadi trit kaskus gan. Jangan lupa cantumkan source kalo mao di copas yah. Trz bagi ijo ijo juga.
-Kadang peraturan emang dibuat untuk dilanggar-
Kali ini, gw mao post tulisan ini buat si Felicia Regina soalnya gw udah janji buat cerita tentang lomba mewarnai. . Felicia adalah apprentice gw di Debat Indo yang helpful banget dah mao bantuin gw selama 1 tahun mengasuh beberapa anak yg lain. Jadi, selain Felicia gw juga masih ada beberapa anak2 yg lainnya. Sekarang dia orang ada di tarakanita 2 pluit. Oh iyah, dulu gw adalah anak debat Indo. Jadi debatnya pake bahasa Indonesia.
Gini loh ceritanya.
Kelas 5 SD gw pernah ikut lomba mewarnai selama 2 kali. Jaman SD itu gw adalah anak yang demen makan snack. Nah, kebetulan ada lomba mewarnai yang sponsornya adalah snack biscuit tongkat yang bias dicocol sama cokelat/stroberi. Kalo dimakan “nyam nyam” banget….Nah, jadi gw minta bokap gw buat daftarin gw ke tuh lomba. Alhasil, gw ikut deh lomba mewarnai yang waktu itu diselenggarakan di atrium Mega Mal (alm.)
Itu adalah pengalaman pertama gw ikut lomba mewarnai. Nah, emang keliatan kan gw ga punya bakat buat menggambar/mewarnai. Gw mah cukup jadi penikmat barang2 seni ajah. Hasilnya yah bias ditebak, gw kalah. Tapi emang namanya anak kecil yah masih ajah ngarep menag. Soalnya kalo menang hadiahnya stock snack yang kalo dimakan pasti “nyam nyam” dan bias bertahan buat 1 minggu. Besoknya, giliran sekolah adek gw yang ikut (ade gw sama gw itu SD-nya beda dulu gw SD di Kristen Yusuf Jembatan 2.) Gw masih penasaran juga kenapa gw ga bisa dapetin tuh senek. Akhirnya gw minta ke bokap gw lagi buat daftarin gw untuk yg ke 2 kalinya scr berturut turut (buang buang duit yah..hasilnya dah bisa ketebak.) Mungkin bokap gw mikir ada bagusnya juga kalo gw nemenin adek gw selama ade gw lomba.
Nah, bukan lomba 2 kali itu yang jadi masalah. Jadi, tiap lomba, ada semacam parade dari si mascot senek yang bentuknya kucing garong. 1 hari tuh bisa 3 kali dengan lagu, gerakan, dan dialog yang sama. Maksudnya sih buat entertain anak2 yang bosen nunggu hasil lomba. Tapi kenapa lagu, gerakan, dan dialognya itu sama semua??? Salah loe orang (panitia penyelenggara) telah menanam memory yg aneh dalam otak anak anak SD seperti gw yang emang kebosenan nunggu hasil lomba. Dan lebih parahnya lagi, gw liet tuh parade 6 kali berturut turut selama 2 hari. Soalnya nowhere to go selain nunggu hasil lomba yang udah jelas hasilnya buat gw.
Kira2 begini cerita bodoh yg masih gw inget: Suatu hari yang cerah, si kucing garong pergi ke rumah cewenya dengan membawa senek yang bunyinya enak. Di tengah jalan, seneknya dirampok sama kucing garong yg laen (laper kali tuh kucing.) Sampe di rumah cewenya tuh kucing garong yg kecolongan lapor ke cewenya dan minta bantuan temen2 dia buat nyari siapa pelakunya. 5 Menit kemudian pelakunya ketangkep. Dan kata si maling dia menyesal udah nyolong. (gw ngarep penghakiman missal kek yg ada di tv tv biar ada entertainment beneran) Yah, hasilnya happily ever after. Si maling diampuni dan sebagai ucapan terima kasih, semua actor/actress di panggung termasuk si maling dikasih senek enak satu orang satu. Sambil joget joget kek pelem India dengan theme song yg aneh. Udah deh tamat. Kebayang ga sih ada kenangan advertisement yg menurut gw ga ada nilai edukasi sama sekali di otak gw. (kalo ada orang dari producer snack dari Australia yg baca & nyadar, anggep ajah ini sebagai kritik dari gw)
Intinya, kalo mao bikin advertisement tuh yg ada nilai education buat society kan bagus.
Gw prihatin dgn keadaan advertisement sekarang soalnya.
Flash back 4 tahun lalu, di Indo jaman pemilu 4 tahun lalu banyak kan iklan partai politik? Sepupu gw yg masih TK ajah yang diinget “moncong putih” (which is lame)
Dan emang yg diinget cuman moncong putih!!!
Gw langsung ajah tarik kesimpulan soalnya udah malem dan salah satu temen gw udah suruh gw tidur dari 10 menit yg lalu .
Kadang tujuan advertisement yang kayak gini Cuma buat membodohi masyarakat yang emang masih polos & ga tau apa2 buat jadi object pembodohan kek anak yg pendidikannya equivalent dengan TK. Apa iya, Masyarakat Indo itu dianggap sebagai anak TK yang gampang banget dibodohi sama iklan yang ga berkualitas yang tujuannya cumin buat cuci otak yang liet?
Harusnya bukan UU Pornografi yang diurusin (gw abis nonton channel “kelinci” tadi sore sama temen2 gw ^^) tapi beneran, gw ga melihat ada hal yg signifikan buat ngurusin UU pornografi yg sekarang udah terlanjur jadi. Coba tuh urusin “para pembela rakyat” yang bisanya bikin jalanan macet. Kan masih banyak kerjaan.
Duh, gw ga nolak koq kalo pak Presiden baca trz mao angkat gw jadi MEMPERKOSA (menteri pemberdayaan kota dan desa. Bisa liet kembang desa soalnya ^^.)
*Btw, bagus nih buat jadi trit kaskus gan. Jangan lupa cantumkan source kalo mao di copas yah. Trz bagi ijo ijo juga.
-Kadang peraturan emang dibuat untuk dilanggar-
Engaging Ethics
Yesterday, I attended a workshop called Engaging Ethics. I and my friend Steven have to attend this workshop in order to get 17 micro points accounting 1c Scott’s class. Who knows this workshop would turn to be my favorite workshop.
What is Ethics?
Well, I’ve tried to define it by myself.
In my own words: “Moral behavior in a set of a culture which a person can judge whether it is right or wrong.”
However, just out of my curiosity I searched it on the internet
And this is what I’ve got “branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.” (
Apparently, I got the big picture. Cheers dude!
So, what did we do in the class?
At first, the teacher (sorry, I forgot her name, but she is a Germany and I had her workshop in the last quarter.) asked us who have ever cheated on an exam. Spontaneously I raised my hand high. In fact, there are only 3 out of 18 (approximately) who raised his/her hand. I was shocked because I felt like a person who proud of his bad action. Oh well, my hand is the highest among three honest person because Steven who sat beside me raised his palm, not his arm. Damn you Steve! Uppsss, sorry minors
As the result, I was proud of my action because nobody instantly judge based on what I did, but who knows what inside their head. I wish I could be Matt Parkman from Heroes who can “push and pull” people’s mind.
In the next session, one has to tell his dilemma and it was me who volunteered. So, this is a true story. One day I was in a Church. I found $10 bill on the floor and I’m in a doubt whether the money should go to my pocket or I take it to the offerings. As the result, I put it on the offerings. Wow, Harianto you are a good man!
Instantly, a woman from my group asked me this thing: Would you do the same thing if you found it not in a Church? WOW! What a good question. Without any further thoughts I answered: NO, I would keep it for myself.
Let’s draw a conclusion here.
From my point of view, ethics is a personal set of moral behavior because it depends on the situation. For example: I would take the $10 bill if I found it at another place because there is no guarantee if other people who found it after me will give it to the right place. There is no name on the bill right? So, if I take it to a police, will the police do the right thing? Instead of left it or give it to a police, I’ll just consider the $10 bill as my fortune and give $5 to a homeless people to throw a bad luck. (what a great idea.)
So, I guess, my definition about ethics which stated before (on the top), and from are true. But, we have to remember that any action related to ethical behavior could be either right or wrong depends on the situation.
-What we have is a free will which we have to use it wisely-
Cupertino, 05/15/2009
What is Ethics?
Well, I’ve tried to define it by myself.
In my own words: “Moral behavior in a set of a culture which a person can judge whether it is right or wrong.”
However, just out of my curiosity I searched it on the internet
And this is what I’ve got “branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.” (
Apparently, I got the big picture. Cheers dude!
So, what did we do in the class?
At first, the teacher (sorry, I forgot her name, but she is a Germany and I had her workshop in the last quarter.) asked us who have ever cheated on an exam. Spontaneously I raised my hand high. In fact, there are only 3 out of 18 (approximately) who raised his/her hand. I was shocked because I felt like a person who proud of his bad action. Oh well, my hand is the highest among three honest person because Steven who sat beside me raised his palm, not his arm. Damn you Steve! Uppsss, sorry minors
As the result, I was proud of my action because nobody instantly judge based on what I did, but who knows what inside their head. I wish I could be Matt Parkman from Heroes who can “push and pull” people’s mind.
In the next session, one has to tell his dilemma and it was me who volunteered. So, this is a true story. One day I was in a Church. I found $10 bill on the floor and I’m in a doubt whether the money should go to my pocket or I take it to the offerings. As the result, I put it on the offerings. Wow, Harianto you are a good man!
Instantly, a woman from my group asked me this thing: Would you do the same thing if you found it not in a Church? WOW! What a good question. Without any further thoughts I answered: NO, I would keep it for myself.
Let’s draw a conclusion here.
From my point of view, ethics is a personal set of moral behavior because it depends on the situation. For example: I would take the $10 bill if I found it at another place because there is no guarantee if other people who found it after me will give it to the right place. There is no name on the bill right? So, if I take it to a police, will the police do the right thing? Instead of left it or give it to a police, I’ll just consider the $10 bill as my fortune and give $5 to a homeless people to throw a bad luck. (what a great idea.)
So, I guess, my definition about ethics which stated before (on the top), and from are true. But, we have to remember that any action related to ethical behavior could be either right or wrong depends on the situation.
-What we have is a free will which we have to use it wisely-
Cupertino, 05/15/2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
10 things that I've never met in States since I left Indo
My friend Lena asked me what do I miss since I left indo
Here you go
I mean family, embak, driver, friends, my room, blah blah blah..
2. Martabak
(the real martabak)Martabak is the best food I've ever had, esp. the unhealthy version with "royal" margarine and condensed milk
3. Durian
-Not preserved-
4. Azan Maghrib"Aulo huakbar" every afternoon which Indonesian can hear from 10 km radius everywhere!! (I'm Serious!!!)
5. Man covered by "sarung"
have you seen one?
6. Pocong & friends you like it
7. Mega Mol!!!!
well, It has changed to pluit village, but I like the old mega mol anyway.....
8. 21/XXI theater
The best theater!!!! I mean it folks
9. Zenbu/Free Day
those are my favorite place when I want to chill out by myself
10. -My afternoon sky-
Stare at the sky from my balcony when it turns to such a beautiful sky...
Here you go
I mean family, embak, driver, friends, my room, blah blah blah..
2. Martabak
(the real martabak)Martabak is the best food I've ever had, esp. the unhealthy version with "royal" margarine and condensed milk
3. Durian
-Not preserved-
4. Azan Maghrib"Aulo huakbar" every afternoon which Indonesian can hear from 10 km radius everywhere!! (I'm Serious!!!)
5. Man covered by "sarung"
have you seen one?
6. Pocong & friends you like it
7. Mega Mol!!!!
well, It has changed to pluit village, but I like the old mega mol anyway.....
8. 21/XXI theater
The best theater!!!! I mean it folks
9. Zenbu/Free Day
those are my favorite place when I want to chill out by myself
10. -My afternoon sky-
Stare at the sky from my balcony when it turns to such a beautiful sky...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Econ: Capitalism
I'm in the mood for posting a new journal
In this article I want to share what I've got from my econ class.
I'll try to explain more about what we called capitalism.
Maybe some of you think this is a light topic to read, but I think I've come up with something interesting.
Capitalism is an economic system which people believe that a market should be privately owned, so one can generate his own profit.Sources such as labor, land, and capital are privately owned.
This system seems to be more fair than socialism because there will be always a guarantee for free enterprise.
Understanding capitalism means we have to know about its weakness.
In PURE CAPITALISM one has no protection from government. It means there are no such things as regulations among entrepreneur.Some people think free enterprise in capitalism is a good concept, but let's think again about it.
In fact, this is one of the frauds in capitalism. I'd like to call this fraud as "merchant barrier."
Merchant barrier is an action which can prevent a new competitor to join the market because "seniors" in the market can conspire and agree to kick newcomers in order to maintain their market share.
However, now we can see that we need a government to interfere and erase some problems in capitalism. That's why we called it mixed capitalism when we see a government interfere with capitalism market.
So why capitalism is still better than socialism?
In economics innovation is a big deal because with innovation, one can open a new market which automatically he will get a bigger chance to success.
In socialism, people easily lose their motivation because sooner or later, they will find it's useless to work and they can find it's so easy to rely on somebody else who are willing to work.
Indeed, I find socialism theory contradicted with human nature. When we talk about human nature that means DESIRE is one among the others, and socialism is more likely tend to absorb one's desire.
What I want to say is people in capitalism tend to be more creative than those who are in socialism.
We always excited with something new. Don't we?
In this article I want to share what I've got from my econ class.
I'll try to explain more about what we called capitalism.
Maybe some of you think this is a light topic to read, but I think I've come up with something interesting.
Capitalism is an economic system which people believe that a market should be privately owned, so one can generate his own profit.Sources such as labor, land, and capital are privately owned.
This system seems to be more fair than socialism because there will be always a guarantee for free enterprise.
Understanding capitalism means we have to know about its weakness.
In PURE CAPITALISM one has no protection from government. It means there are no such things as regulations among entrepreneur.Some people think free enterprise in capitalism is a good concept, but let's think again about it.
In fact, this is one of the frauds in capitalism. I'd like to call this fraud as "merchant barrier."
Merchant barrier is an action which can prevent a new competitor to join the market because "seniors" in the market can conspire and agree to kick newcomers in order to maintain their market share.
However, now we can see that we need a government to interfere and erase some problems in capitalism. That's why we called it mixed capitalism when we see a government interfere with capitalism market.
So why capitalism is still better than socialism?
In economics innovation is a big deal because with innovation, one can open a new market which automatically he will get a bigger chance to success.
In socialism, people easily lose their motivation because sooner or later, they will find it's useless to work and they can find it's so easy to rely on somebody else who are willing to work.
Indeed, I find socialism theory contradicted with human nature. When we talk about human nature that means DESIRE is one among the others, and socialism is more likely tend to absorb one's desire.
What I want to say is people in capitalism tend to be more creative than those who are in socialism.
We always excited with something new. Don't we?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Masih ingat kenangan saat duduk di bangku taman kanak kanak?
masih ingat nama teman baik anda di masa itu?
Mungkin sebagian dari kita udah lupa kenangan kenangan tersebut. Tapi, sebagian orang juga masih ada yang bisa mengingat dengan jelas.
kalau saya sih termasuk dalam kategori orang yang masih inget masa taman kanak kanak.
dulu, saya sekolah di TK Kristen Yusuf Jembatan 2, Jakarta Barat dan nama teman baik saya adalah Dion.
Dion adalah teman sebangku saya di TK. Dulu, saya dan Dion setiap keluar istirahat selalu kejar kejaran di lapangan serba guna. Pertemanan kami sayangnya harus berakhir. Dion pergi entah kemana...
Pikiran anak anak memang polos dan tanpa beban. Waktu itu, saya kira Dion hanya absen untuk beberapa hari karena dia sakit. Ternyata, sampai saya naik kelas, kami tidak pernah main kejar kejaran lagi. Semenjak Dion pergi tanpa kabar saya menjadi anak yang kesepian. Seandainya dulu udah ada handphone dan anak anaknya lebih gaul daripada yang sekarang, saya pasti minta nomor contact Dion. Waktu masih SD saya kurang bersosialisasi karena saya terkenal tukang berantem. Kalau ada yang macem macem sama saya urusannya pasti berakhir ga pake ngomong. Pernah suatu hari "embak" saya cerita kalau waktu TK saya adalah anak yang sangat nekat dan cukup berani (sifat yang masih melekat).
ini cerita si embak ketika hari pertama saya masuk sekolah. (ditemenin "embak")
kira kira begini si "embak" ngomong:
"Har, kamu tau nggak dulu pas hari pertama masuk sekolah? anak anak lain nangis ditinggal sama mami/susternya di kelas. Tapi kamu duduk anteng anteng ajah sambil lietin orang nangis. terus kalu berantem senjata andalan kamu tuh gigit orang" ><
Wow I'm just amazed by myself.
ok ok..balik lagi ke ceritanya si Dion.
Yang jelas, Setelah saya udah cukup gede buat mikir, kira kira si Dion masih inget ga yah sama temennya yang namanya Harianto? apakah temen baik saya itu termasuk ke dalam golongan orang yang ga bisa inget kenangan pas masih TK? Kalau seandainya Dion masih inget meskipun kita mustahil bisa ketemuan lagi, it means a lot for me!
Saya bersyukur punya ingatan yang kuat. Tapi kalu soal pelajaran yang saya anggap tidak penting tentu saja bisa dilupakan dengan cepat.
Inti dari sharing pertama saya di blog ini adalah:
banyak dari kita yang punya kenangan. Entah di mana, dengan siapa, dan kapan kejadiannya. Sebagian orang (termasuk saya) mau diingat dan menjadi bagian dari kenangan. Kadang, kita juga penasaran apakah orang yang ada sangkut pautnya dengan ingatan kita juga mengingat dengan jelas sama seperti kita mengingatnya.
Bagaimanapun, menurut saya hal yang paling menyakitkan adalah: ketika saya melihat kembali kenangan yang dibawa ke masa depan dan saya tidak menemukan diri saya di lukisan orang orang yang saya ingat dengan jelas. Saya tidak mau mempromosikan diri sendiri dan mengatakan kepada mereka kalau seharusnya saya ada di lukisan itu. Hal yang saya lakukan sekarang hanyalah diam dan menyaksikan mereka tertawa seperti saat kami pernah tertawa bersama.
Life goes on and revenge is sweet
Cupertino, CA
Sat, May 09, 2009
masih ingat nama teman baik anda di masa itu?
Mungkin sebagian dari kita udah lupa kenangan kenangan tersebut. Tapi, sebagian orang juga masih ada yang bisa mengingat dengan jelas.
kalau saya sih termasuk dalam kategori orang yang masih inget masa taman kanak kanak.
dulu, saya sekolah di TK Kristen Yusuf Jembatan 2, Jakarta Barat dan nama teman baik saya adalah Dion.
Dion adalah teman sebangku saya di TK. Dulu, saya dan Dion setiap keluar istirahat selalu kejar kejaran di lapangan serba guna. Pertemanan kami sayangnya harus berakhir. Dion pergi entah kemana...
Pikiran anak anak memang polos dan tanpa beban. Waktu itu, saya kira Dion hanya absen untuk beberapa hari karena dia sakit. Ternyata, sampai saya naik kelas, kami tidak pernah main kejar kejaran lagi. Semenjak Dion pergi tanpa kabar saya menjadi anak yang kesepian. Seandainya dulu udah ada handphone dan anak anaknya lebih gaul daripada yang sekarang, saya pasti minta nomor contact Dion. Waktu masih SD saya kurang bersosialisasi karena saya terkenal tukang berantem. Kalau ada yang macem macem sama saya urusannya pasti berakhir ga pake ngomong. Pernah suatu hari "embak" saya cerita kalau waktu TK saya adalah anak yang sangat nekat dan cukup berani (sifat yang masih melekat).
ini cerita si embak ketika hari pertama saya masuk sekolah. (ditemenin "embak")
kira kira begini si "embak" ngomong:
"Har, kamu tau nggak dulu pas hari pertama masuk sekolah? anak anak lain nangis ditinggal sama mami/susternya di kelas. Tapi kamu duduk anteng anteng ajah sambil lietin orang nangis. terus kalu berantem senjata andalan kamu tuh gigit orang" ><
Wow I'm just amazed by myself.
ok ok..balik lagi ke ceritanya si Dion.
Yang jelas, Setelah saya udah cukup gede buat mikir, kira kira si Dion masih inget ga yah sama temennya yang namanya Harianto? apakah temen baik saya itu termasuk ke dalam golongan orang yang ga bisa inget kenangan pas masih TK? Kalau seandainya Dion masih inget meskipun kita mustahil bisa ketemuan lagi, it means a lot for me!
Saya bersyukur punya ingatan yang kuat. Tapi kalu soal pelajaran yang saya anggap tidak penting tentu saja bisa dilupakan dengan cepat.
Inti dari sharing pertama saya di blog ini adalah:
banyak dari kita yang punya kenangan. Entah di mana, dengan siapa, dan kapan kejadiannya. Sebagian orang (termasuk saya) mau diingat dan menjadi bagian dari kenangan. Kadang, kita juga penasaran apakah orang yang ada sangkut pautnya dengan ingatan kita juga mengingat dengan jelas sama seperti kita mengingatnya.
Bagaimanapun, menurut saya hal yang paling menyakitkan adalah: ketika saya melihat kembali kenangan yang dibawa ke masa depan dan saya tidak menemukan diri saya di lukisan orang orang yang saya ingat dengan jelas. Saya tidak mau mempromosikan diri sendiri dan mengatakan kepada mereka kalau seharusnya saya ada di lukisan itu. Hal yang saya lakukan sekarang hanyalah diam dan menyaksikan mereka tertawa seperti saat kami pernah tertawa bersama.
Life goes on and revenge is sweet
Cupertino, CA
Sat, May 09, 2009
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