I have less than 2 weeks to end this quarter. In fact, I eager to say goodbye to 32,5 units which I'm taking now. Believe me, It's a struggle my friend. 32,5 units is not an easy job to do. I have to wake up at 7 A.M. for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, finish my busy day at 8.00 P.M. in De Anza from monday to thursday. (Extra time at home for HW, Exam prep, and assignment not included) That's why I keep excited for friday. Yet, I found it's kind of challenging.
Thanks God I don't have to study for Business law final exam because I was allowed to do so. I successfully sealed 1 subject for this quarter. What a surprise!
50 days before My flight to Indo~~
Now, Let me introduce you to my lovely pet.
here you go:
I saved her form "abang abang" glodok who didn't take a good care of her. I brought Tarou in exchange for Rp 35,000
Oh, I called her "Tarou" (Japanese name?)
The bad news is: She had passed away before I posted her lovely pitcure on my blog.
The ugly truth: She lived with me only for 3 days.....don't ask me why!!!
I believe I took a good care of her. I provided her with blanket, water, and "kangkung".
My "embak" said maybe she was already in a bad condition from glodok.
I still feel guilty for her.
Anyway, rest in peace Tarou.
I do believe you still with us because I put you in front of my house under the "pinkish" flower tree.
You will be always in my heart <3
with love,
Your master
so sweet : )